Zanshin Kai Karate, based at Woodham Community Centre, held their first club grading of the year recently and the instructors were impressed with the hard work and effort shown by all the students who went on to successfully gain their new belts.
Congratulations to our Senior class:
9th Kyu Red Belt:
Shaun James, Angel James, Summer James, Joshua Joice & Jacob Dobie.
7th Kyu Orange Belt:
Joey Collins.
6th Kyu Green Belt:
Julia Quinonez.
2nd Kyu Brown Belt:
Jodie MacMaster & Glen Cochrane & 1st Kyu Brown Belt– Charlotte Dunn.
Also to our Red Dragons cadets (5-9 years)
8th Mon Yellow Belt:
Macey Maclean, Indigo Humble, Finley Cochrane
4th Mon Purple Belt:
Izzy Lambert, Thomas Towler, Max Holehouse & Ella Myers
3rd Mon Brown Belt:
Travis Alton & Maisie Cochrane
If you have always wanted to try Karate, then we would like to invite you to come and join us, all newcomers get four weeks Free Trial classes.
Classes are held on Thursdays: 6.00-7.00pm
Red Dragons (Cadets)
Sundays: 4.00-6.00pm
Juniors & Adults
Contact: Zanshin-Kai Karate at Woodham Community Centre, Tel: 07917 203421 or email
Facebook (zanshin kai karate newton aycliffe).
Zanshin Kai Karate Latest Gradings