Zanshin-Kai Karate, at Woodham Community Centre, finished 2014 with a successful club grading. The instructors were pleased with the spirit and effort shown by the students, all of whom successfully earned their new belts.
Congratulations to: 8th Kyu Jacob Humble. 6th Kyu Leanne Wright, 5th Kyu: Jack Dobie, Darlene Greaves. 4th Kyu: Darcy Greaves, Aaron Busby. 1st Kyu: Joanne Fenton, Jayson Durham.
If you want to start the new year off right, be more active, improve your fitness or lose some weight and have always wanted to try Karate then we would like to welcome you.
We are a family club, come down work hard, keep fit and have fun alongside the rest of your family, everyone welcome from 6 years upwards. In January all new starters get the first two weeks free!
For more information call into Woodham Community Centre Sundays between 4 – 6pm or ring 0791 7203421 / 0774 6204064. Email Face book (zanshin kai karate newton aycliffe).
Zanshin-Kai Karate Gradings