Newton Aycliffe Youth and Community Centre are launching out again into pastures new. Following the successful launch in November of our Wednesday Brunch Club the management committee has decided to offer a further facility to the community from Monday 3rd March when they will be opening for hot snacks between 09.30 am and 1.30 pm.  Monday to Friday.
Christine Askew will be heading up the menu and she is busy working with Jayne Latcham to put suitable tasty snacks together. Chairman Vince Crosby said “if the food is anything like the bacon butties on a Wednesday I will have to go to the gym more often. Members of the management committee agreed the purchase of bistro furniture for the reception area and when the Treasurer asked my advice on colour scheme I just said I would leave it to her. If it is anything like the colour from last year’s refurbishment we will need our sun glasses”.
So when you are out shopping why not give us a try?