Aycliffe Youth Council recently got together to donate 42 unwanted spectacles to Vision Aid Oversees in partnership with Spec Savers in Newton Aycliffe.
The Youth Council organised the project by collecting all their families’ old glasses that they no longer require and donated them to Vision Aid via the collection bins which are available in all local Specsavers stores.
The spectacles are reconditioned and distributed to various projects around the developing world to help bring sight to many people who otherwise may not be able to afford them.
Aycliffe Youth Councillor Katie Osbiston said “It was easy to take part in this as I know many people who wear glasses as well as me. We had fun seeing the various styles of glasses people have worn over the years. My family and friends did not know about Vision Aid and its work”.
Aycliffe Youth Council would urge fellow residents of Aycliffe to recycle their glasses by having a clearout and supporting this project.
Youth Council Collect Glasses for Visionaid