16 year old Adam Billany from Newton Aycliffe and a a member of Derwent Reservoir Sailing Club has won the RYA (Royal Yachting Association) North East Young Club Sailor of the Year Award.
Adam, who comes from Newton Aycliffe and is currently deep into his GCSE exams at Carmel College, Darlington, was chosen by a panel of judges drawn from the RYA North East Region and receives the Trident trophy donated by dinghy specialists, Trident UK.
“We had several outstanding nominations for the award this year, from clubs around the region,” said Steve Gibbon, Chairman of the RYA North East Region. “Adam joins a very selective list of young sailors, many of whom have gone on to win European and World Championships over the past few years.”
Despite suffering from cerebral palsy and having to endure recent painful operations to lengthen and strengthen his legs, Adam plays a full part in Derwent Reservoir Sailing Club. He was co-ordinator for the 2015 RYA NE Youth Travellers Series, organising over 50 sailors and six venues around the region. This year Adam has passed on the overall organisation of the series but still plans to compete in as many events as possible.
“He is an inspiration to us all,” explained Nicky Leech, Sailing Secretary at Derwent Reservoir Sailing Club. “In 2014, just weeks after a major operation to lengthen seven muscles in his leg, he was out on the water sailing again, this time with his leg wrapped up in clingfilm!”
Choice of boat for Adam is very important, as he explains:
“My first time sailing was in a Topper with my Dad and Uncle in 2012 but because of my cerebral palsy I struggled to cross the boat when we tacked. After that we bought a Miracle which was a little better if I sat in the middle of the boat and let my dad do all the hiking out!”
The solution came from Derwent Reservoir Sailing Club which has long been a recognised RYA Sailability facility, owning some boats able to accommodate sailors with restricted mobility.
“The club had an old Access dinghy that was looking a bit sorry for itself,” continued Adam. “Dad brought it home one winter, dried it out and put it back together again, ready for me to sail the following season. Halfway through this season I was approached by the RYA Paralympic development coach and invited down to Rutland Water for a taster session in a Paralympic 2.4mR; since then I haven’t looked back. This is a perfect boat for me and I now attend regular high performance training weekends down at Leigh & Lowton Sailing Club with Dave Woodhead as Coach.”
“One of the downsides to the 2.4mR is launch and recovery, and it usually means my dad has to go into the water to do this while I transfer into the boat from a jetty or in the case at the moment at Derwent Reservoir, a rib with the boat on a mooring, since our jetty was washed away by the storms at the end of last season.”
“I was lucky enough to be loaned a 2.4mR for six months while I got used to the boat, but now I have a boat of my own and I’m looking forward to racing it and having it set up specifically for me.”
“I would have liked to have competed at the World Championships this year but they were right in the middle of my exams. Never mind, I’ll have to concentrate on any domestic events after they’ve finished. I know there are a couple of the Youth Travellers events where I can get launched so hopefully I will make those, as well as other 2.4mR events that are scheduled later in the year such as the Inland Championships at Rutland and the autumn ranking event down at Weymouth.”
“I would really like to thank Derwent Reservoir Sailing Club for nominating me for the RYA North East Young Club Sailor award; Stephen Scullion and his rescue team for the help they give me when launching and coming back into shore; Matt Grier and Dave Woodhead for their excellent coaching and support and of course my parents who transport me, feed me and act as shore crew and I couldn’t manage without them!”
“I would also like to thank the RYA North East Region for honouring me with this award it was a great surprise when the Chairman, Steve Gibbon presented it to me.”
“We nominated Adam because he demonstrates great determination to excel in sailing, despite adversity,” said Nicky Leech at the club. “He personifies all that is great about north east youth sailing.”
For more info about RYA Sailability visit: www.rya.org.uk/sailability
For more info about Derwent Reservoir Sailing Club visit www.drsc.co.uk

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