Greenfield Engineheads, a group of young people who make things happen and have developed self-organised learning in Room 13, have been working hard to organise Young People’s Yoga session to be held at Greenfield Arts Centre.
he group found it was something that isn’t currently offered to the local young people and is a great way to increase positive well-being in the community. They were tasked with putting their idea forward to local providers and have successfully raised funds in partnership with GAMP AAP and PCP.
The group decided Dru yoga was the best style for this particular project as it is suitable for all abilities and ages. It works on mind, body and spirt; improving strength and flexibility, building a heightened feeling of positivity, and deeply relaxing and rejuvenating the whole body. This will be a great way to decrease stress in young people and help them find an alternative outlet.
Free sessions are suitable for ages 11 + and will begin on Wednesday 16th September 3:30pm – 4:30pm and continue for 6 weeks. Blankets and mats will be provided by the centre. No experience necessary.
Contact us to book a place at or call us on 01325 379048.
Young People’s Yoga