As part of their summer activities NCS (National Citizenship Service), a team of 13 young people, have created an organisation called EPOCH (Eternal Protection Of Community Hospices). EPOCH’s aim is to raise awareness of local hospices and how the community can help. Facebook allows the team to spread awareness and in the group are three Newtonian’s; Blake Reed, Kate Huart and Rebecca Kirtley. Others from the area include Francessca Scarr, Josh Price, Samantha Shaw, Emerald Lee-Rutter, Catherine Roche, Lucy Hilton, Emma Nicholson, William Danial Natrass and Helana Johnson. They held a very successful coffee morning on the 9th August at Croxdale and hope to organise other events to spread awareness. They have chosen to support St. Cuthbert’s Hospice and within the last two weeks of have raised over £850 to buy toiletries and necessary things most people go into hospices without. EPOCH will continue spreading awareness and love for St. Cuthbert’s Hospice.
Young People Help Local Hospice