Over the past 8 weeks, Year 9 students at Woodham Academy have been working alongside seven key companies in the local area. The aim of the project has been to develop students’ awareness and understanding of apprenticeships and opportunities that may be available to them in the community. As part of the project, students have been researching career opportunities within the manufacturing and engineering sectors, focusing particularly on the apprenticeship route.
Each of the seven groups had to use their research in order to prepare both a display and a professional presentation with a view to educating students in Years 9, 10 and 11 about apprenticeship opportunities. The programme came to a close last week as students delivered their final work to students, staff and guests in the Woodham Apprenticeship Finale. The quality of presentations was incredibly high, making it a tough decision for the judges. Well done to 9GB and Palram for winning the best presentation and 9FR and Ebac for the display. Other companies that were also involved were South West Durham Training, Gestamp Tallent, Thorn Lighting, livin and Mears.
The Apprenticeship Programme in Year 9 is one of numerous activities which educates students in careers. Last year it was recognised by the Department of Education as an example of outstanding practice and was used as a case study for other schools.
Year 9 Apprenticeship Awareness Finale