Are you keen to be a writer? Why not sign up to our creative masterclass at Greenfield Arts and learn new skills from a published author. Novelist and creative writing tutor John Dean is running a beginner’s class focusing on plotting, creating characters and finding ideas for great stories John is a successful published author who has published a dozen books in the crime genre and his passion for teaching is renowned throughout the region. If you have a story to tell or would like to be inspired by John’s teaching this course would be the perfect start, “The more I talk to writers, the more I realise the passion that they hold for their art and one subject that seems to evoke stronger reactions than most is ‘where do stories come from?’ said John. To find out the answers and kick-start your writing why not come along to our masterclass and meet new friends in a creative, friendly environment. If you would like to know a bit more about the course or activities at Greenfield Arts why not give our team a call on 01325 379048 or check out our website where you can now book online!
Writing Masterclass