St Clare’s Parish Church will be open each morning during the week of Monday 28th July to 4th August, for anyone who would like to visit and spend a quiet time of contemplation and remembrance.  In that week there will also be a WORLD WAR ONE MEMORIAL DISPLAY in the church hall, daily from 10am to 1pm.  It will include flags of the allies, posters and memorabilia and WW1 poetry, DVD, film and music of the time.  Tea and coffee will be available, entrance is free but donations to “HELP THE HEROES” will be gratefully accepted.
On Saturday 2nd August the film “WAR HORSE” will be shown.  £2 inc tea & coffee at 1pm.   Film starts at 1-15pm   All proceeds to “HELP THE HEROES”.  For further details please ring Ric Hargreaves  01325 316755