A group of students are eagerly awaiting the release of a national book which includes several pieces of their original work. The Year 8 students from Woodham Academy took part in a creative writing project during the summer. The brief was to produce a piece of work, no more than 100 words long using the topic ‘spine chiller’. The whole 8J class worked on the project, using jigsaws to learn how to piece a story together. 22 students were chosen by publicist Young Writers UK to have their work published
in the book ‘Spine Chillers, Twilight Terrors’ which is due to be released in November. The book will be sent to school and libraries across the UK and Ireland. The top 5 stories from the book will go on to win a Kindle Fire with their school being presented with a cash prize. English Teacher Mrs Drew, said: ‘I am extremely proud of the student’s achievements, they’re a very creative and imaginative class. We really enjoyed working on this project. Well done to all the students, you are a credit to the school.’
Woodham Students Feature in New Book