Proceeds from the Rotary Club’s annual Charity Golf Day will be shared between Great Aycliffe Cancer Support Group, Macmillan Nurses and other Rotary charities.
Entries are invited from golfers to play at Woodham Golf Course who have kindly donated the course free of charge. The Rotary Club extend their thanks to the Hall family for their generosity.
The Pairs Better Ball Stableford competition is on Friday 9th September starting at 12 noon. Valuable prizes to be won for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Pairs with individual prizes for Nearest the Pin and Men & Ladies Longest Drive.
Entry is £30 per player which includes refreshments on arrival and Dinner afterwards.
Sponsorship available for each hole at £75 and Prizes valued at £30. Full details and Entry Forms from the Match Secretary: Robert Manners on 07712 771464.
Woodham Golf Course Donated for Rotary Charity Competition