A huge well done to our Year 10 students from Woodham Academy who completed their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award expedition.
The expedition consisted of a two day hike with an overnight camp. The students completed their expedition from Barnard Castle and along the River Tees in very hot weather over two days. To be self-sufficient, they had to carry everything they needed for camping and cooking outdoors whilst using their map skills to navigate the route. The students demonstrated brilliant team work and resilience to complete this section of their award. Even when facing a long day ahead, the students showed an excellent can-do attitude. Their preparation and hard work certainly paid off when they finally relaxed at the end of the second day, sharing their funny moments and congratulating each other on what they had achieved together.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award is earned by completing 4 sections at the Bronze and Silver level: Volunteering, Physical and Skill as well as the Expedition. Woodham students are working towards these by volunteering with sports coaching, taking on leadership roles with Girl Guiding and Scouting and helping at the leisure centre; challenging themselves in chosen physical activities from mountain biking to netball and keep fit to water polo; and improving a specific skill such as cooking, sign language and art. We look forward to presenting their full Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award soon!
Woodham DofE Bronze Awards