This autumn term has been a particularly busy and exciting time for Woodham Burn Primary because on 1st September the former pre-school which has operated successfully on the school site for many years, officially became part of the school. This means that Woodham Burn School now takes children from 3 – 11 years and is able to build on the excellent relationship that has always existed between school and pre-school to ensure that the very youngest children get the best possible start to their academic career.
During the last Ofsted inspection the foundation stage provision at Woodham Burn was judged to be ‘excellent’ with children making very good progress indeed. Governors and staff at Woodham Burn are working hard to ensure that the nursery provision, already judged ‘good’ by Ofsted is of the same high standard and a great start has been made by all concerned!
As shown in our photograph, children and staff are particularly enjoying using the large and well-equipped outdoor area which surrounds the nursery and provides fantastic learning opportunities for all.
Woodham Burn Primary Takes Over Pre-School