Reception children from Woodham Burn Primary School have been focusing on the topic “People Who Help Us”. A visit to Specsavers in Newton Aycliffe was one of the children’s favourite experiences. Jeremy, the optician, explained how they help us by giving us an eye test; showing us sunglasses and special swimming goggles; and helping us choose some glasses. Children tried on some different glasses that represent eye conditions to see what different people feel like. They visited the test room and even had a little eye test, looking at some very small letters and pictures. Reception staff reported: “We all had a great time during our visit and would like to thank Jeremy and the staff at Specsavers for such a fun and informative experience. The children are all now looking forward to coming to get their eyes checked as they made our experience a pleasure.” Miss Wood, Reception Teacher said “We have an optician’s role play area in the classroom and it has been great to see the children apply their learning into their play. By visiting the opticians, we hope that the children are more confident when visiting in the future. We are now eating more green vegetables after Jeremy told us they keep our eyes healthy.” Mrs Edwards, Head Teacher added: “It is so important that we teach children about those people who help us in every aspect of life. This helps children understand their community to a much greater degree. Thank you to Specsavers Newton Aycliffe for the wonderful experience”.
Woodham Burn Primary School Visit Specsavers