Woodham Burn Out Of School Club
Contact Name: Kendra Green (Manager)
Contact Telephone: 01325 300080 or 07980 455318
Contact Email: woodhamburn.outofschool@gmail.com
Contact Website: www.woodhamburnoutofschoolclub.co.uk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Woodham-Burn-Out-of-School-Club/652030244874053?fref=ts
Meeting Day: Providing childcare: Before school (7.45am to 9.00am); After school (3.10pm to 6.00pm) and school holidays (7.45am to 6.00pm).
We can also provide transport to and from local schools.
Open Monday to Friday all year (except Bank Holidays and closed between Christmas and New Year).
Important Information: Achieved “Outstanding” in most recent Ofsted Inspection (December 2014). Non Profit Making.
Meeting Venue: Woodham Burn School, Humphrey Close, Newton Aycliffe, Co. Durham DL5 4EX
Description of Activities: Woodham Burn Out of School Club opened in January 2003, it is a limited company which has a manager, deputy manager, full-time and supply staff. It is governed by a group of directors; the directors are employed within the school including the chairperson who is the Schools Head teacher and out of school clubs registered person. The remainder of the committee consist of parents/carers.
The setting is based within Woodham Burn Community Primary School in a residential area of Newton Aycliffe. The club was set up as a non profit making company to provide quality, affordable childcare for parents/carers in Newton Aycliffe and surrounding areas.
The manager of the club has been employed since the setting opened in January 2003 and is responsible for the day to day running of the setting and meeting the requirements set by OFSTED. The manager has completed training throughout her employment and now holds a BA (Hons) Degree in Children and Early Childhood. There are two other full-time members of staff, one of which is the deputy manager, both holding NNEB’s or equivalent qualifications, both have many years experience of working with early years and have worked for the setting for many years. As well as ongoing training all staff have up to date CRB enhanced disclosures, appropriate safeguarding training, Paediatric first aid certificates and food hygiene.
The club provides wrap around care for children from their 3rd birthday to 12 years (up to a child’s 13th birthday) and is open term time before school (7.45am to 9.00am) and after school (3.15pm to 6pm). During the school holidays we are open from 7.45am to 6pm. The oosc closes on bank holidays and between Xmas and New Year. The club provides full day care during the Woodham Burns teacher training days and accommodates 40 children at any one time.
Children can attend the OOSC from the Pre School, the school and other local nurseries/ schools within the area or surrounding areas. During term time we provide transport to and from other local schools in the area with our contracted taxi company, escorted by a member of our staff.
Next door to the clubroom is a preschool which is currently operated by Great Aycliffe Town Council, however from September 2015 Woodham Burn Community Primary school will take over the management of the nursery facility. Children can access either or both facilities from the age of 3 years, this allows wrap around care between the hours of 7.45am and 6pm. Children can receive funded educational places when attending, please contact the WBOOSC on 01325 300080 or WBCPS on 01325 300230.
The club works closely with the Foundation Stage teaching staff within the school providing continuity of care for children within the EYFS attending school and oosc. Staff from both the Pre School and School work closely and liaise daily, to ensure information is shared between the child’s key person. Staff understand that the safe transition when moving children between the settings is paramount, all children are handed directly to the key person/member of staff when making any transition and information is passed on when necessary. Staff have strong relationships with the school and liaise when necessary to ensure that each child feels secure and happy attending both settings.
The out of school club is based within a single story building with sole use of a classroom which is attractive and stimulating with direct access to outdoors. The room in an open layout with all areas available to access at all times including computer/ICT, writing, creative, home corner, quiet, role play, construction and small world areas. The club also has use of the infant hall, a community room (for meals and cookery) and associated areas i.e. entrance and toilets.
The secure outdoor area can be accessed by a door directly from the club room, it has a play area and a sheltered area with a large canopy installed which allows access in all weathers, providing extra shade during the summer and shelter in the winter. This sheltered area and the enclosed garden has also been recently fitted with lighting allowing children to access the outdoors during the dark winter evenings. These spaces provide children with the opportunities to learn both indoors and outdoors, features include giant chalk boards, giant white boards, surfaces for painting, sand/water/malleable opportunities, stage area, planting facilities and flower beds, grassed nature area and appropriate outdoor equipment and resources.
There is security fencing around the perimeter of the school as well as the enclosed garden and tyre/trim trail area for promoting gross motor skills, digging/gardening area, a mini-beast area and outdoor picnic tables. We have access to the school grounds for activities and a secure field with two playgrounds. The playgrounds have recently been refurbished with the installation of a purpose built climbing equipment, football goals on playgrounds, playground games/markings, basket ball hoops, football/tennis areas and trim trails around the perimeter on purpose laid surfaces ideal for all ages.
As an addition to the indoor and outdoor learning environments we have access to the large hall providing larger scale equipment which would not be suitable for the club room, this includes pool table, table tennis, air hockey, P.E. equipment, Wii and football tables etc.