Woodham Academy recently launched its Apprenticeship Awareness Challenge, an annual event for Year 9 students. This is a unique opportunity for parents and students at Woodham Academy to find out more about the career opportunities available on the Aycliffe Business Park and other local areas.
The school is delighted to work with a group of business partners including Ebac, Livin, Tallent, Palram, Thorn Lighting and South West Durham Training. Students will work closely with their link company over a 9 week period and as part of the experience students will visit the company with which they are linked. The experience culminates in a final event on the evening of Wednesday 27th November, where a group of students will be required to present their research in front of an audience made up of local company representatives, parents, students and a panel of judges.
This is one of many events which forms part of the the Academy’s CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) programme.
Mrs. T. Taylor, Assistant Headteacher comments “It is important that our young people are fully aware of the opportunities and choices that are available to them post 16. This programme is unique to Woodham Academy and allows students to gain an insight into the job and career opportunities in the local area”.
Woodham Academy is proud that over the last two years, every single student has moved into employment, further education or training. Opportunities like the Apprenticeship Awareness Challenge play a crucial role in educating students and preparing them for making those important decisions when they reach Year 11.
Woodham Apprenticeship Awareness Challenge