Dear Sir,
Did John Clare actually read the letter I wrote regarding equality in the Town Council? At what point did I state that “women’s sphere is in the home “cooking meals for the family”? What codswallop.
In the 43 years after leaving school until I had to take ill health retirement, I worked most of the time only taking short periods off to have my 3 children and I was a housewife for 3 years when I lived in Holland and Germany.
This hardly makes me out as an advocate for the woman’s place in the home and I believe John knows most of this. He certainly knows I worked full time when I was a Councillor and the fact that we had 3 children and later on, a grandchild. Maybe he should have realised that I was actually speaking from experience not from some misguided anti-feminist standpoint.
Finally, I would like to advise him of something he does not know about me. I am exceptionally proud to be able to say that there are women on my family tree who were suffragettes, and others who fought for women’s rights, so please don’t accuse me of spouting the language of the Anti-Suffrage League; that would be totally out of character, totally against my upbringing and will never happen.
Mrs. A. Bergg
Past Opposition Vice Chair of a Council Committee.