Our Town Council received notice from the County Council of their proposals for the footbridge over Woodham Burn near Whinlatter Place, see letter below.
The Environment Committee will discuss it in their 14 October meeting and will give their views.
Meanwhile the Town Clerk has asked for an extension period to give members time to consider the options.
Dear Mr Bailey,
Section 116
Highways Act 1980
Possible alteration to Accrued Highway Rights of Unadopted Footbridge over Woodham Burn to rear of No 54 Whinlatter Place, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, DL5 7DS
The County Council is currently assessing its options for the future of the above named bridge as highlighted on the attached plan and described on the attached schedule. One of the options we are considering is the removal of the public rights to use this bridge, with this removal of rights being carried out using Section 116 of the Highways Act and would ultimately lead to the permanent removal of the bridge with the requirement that members of the public would have to utilise a suitable alternative route.
The purpose of this letter is to gauge the level of public opinion on the above proposal and as such I would be grateful if you could provide me with a reply, by Friday 2 October 2015, to this letter stating whether or not you would object to the proposal were it to be put forward for a formal consultation.
Will the County Council Remove Footbridge at Whinlatter Place?