Wars aren’t declared by people or by communities. The idea that wars are declared in the name of peace and freedom is the greatest obscenity peddled by the powerful and accepted by the simple minded who will be asked to sacrifice everything by those who have everything to gain. Wars cost more money than lives; wars are big business for the banks and financial institutions who fund them, often funding both sides of the conflict at the same time to maximise profit.
Wars, large and small, have always been about power and control and the select, well placed, few becoming ever richer as a result of the chaos and confusion.
When people die in the name of freedom, religion or a belief system, it is simply a means to an end, and you can be sure not everyone will suffer in equal measure.
Those who control the purse strings also control the puppets who do their bidding and, in a quiet moment of contemplation far removed from the death and destruction, they will toast their success, made possible by your sacrifice to their Gods of greed, power and control.
Phillip Hawkins
Who Declares War?