Dear Sir,

I beg forgiveness if I sound brusque but my space is restricted and there is much to cover arising from the letter ‘Thoughts on Brexit’

1 – Parliament was to close for Conferences anyway and in preparation for the Queen’s Speech. 4 – 5 days were allowed for debate.

The argument that five weeks were essential is spurious. That the Benn Surrender Bill could pass into law in two days shows what could be quickly achieved – given the will, proving Parliament wasted 5+ years.

2 – True, PM Johnson was judged to have misled the Queen but the conversation is unknown even to the Judges of the Supreme Court which controversially strayed from Law into Political waters earlier ruled unsafe by the most senior Judge in England and Wales, thereby appearing to compromise our Constitution. A unanimous verdict in such a controversial case with previous conflicting results remains a surprise. Yet our Parliament ignored the Constitutional implications preferring to vent vile behaviour.

3 – We all have the right to a change of our mind but not the right to change an election result nor that of any democratic vote. We choose our path – and it’s consequences – as my MP has chosen to divert from that of his electorate must accept. His web states he “did not go into politics to make people poorer”. He has an infallible crystal ball? One which conflicts with the opinions of Lord King, ex Governor of the BofE, (leave); Daniel Hannan, ex EU Commissioner 12 years (leave); Bernard Connelly, ex EU former Head of the EMU (leave). All have vast knowledge,experience and are world recognised authorities. I add Nigel Farage who, in correction, has never changed his pursuit of a clean break. To Leave is to Leave. As voted for, as Parliament promised. To Leave with ties is to not Leave. All the above are on You Tube so we can all judge for ourselves. My MP does not have the right to change my mind.

4 – The argument against leaving is almost always pitched in economic/money/jobs terms, although there are other values. Economically GB is better placed than almost every Nation in the EU. Briefly Germany, France, Spain, Italy, the four greatest economies, are in difficulties ranging from tough to desperate and covering their economy, manufacturing, unemployment (especially the young), dodgy banking systems and debt – mountains of debt. Years ago the EU had a debt mountain of one trillion Euros (and growing). It looks like this; 1,000,000,000,000. The EU can never pay that off. On falling economies the EU continues to build a new “Empire”. The increasing debt is passed on to our children and our children’s children and their children. We hear the cry “I’m concerned for my family, for my kids”. Dead right; we should be more than concerned. There lies little work and big ills.

The United States of Europe is a pipe dream. It will not happen. The USA is founded on Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness, with power granted by the people and devolving back to the people. It is enshrined in 72,000 words. The EU (actually founded in deceit) concentrates power unto itself and does not return it to the people. It’s Charter of Fundamental Rights exceeds 150,000 words designed to impose it’s will on all member States. It compelled Ireland, Netherlands and France to repeat referendums until it got the results it wanted. This Charter will next year, be the fully enforced “Lisbon Treaty”, Even more binding. And we worry for the future of our kids, and theirs, and theirs. Quite right. But, a huge but – our myopic politicians cannot see beyond money, jobs, votes and refuse to open up the debate on the real treasure we leave for our children. Their crystal balls lack lustre – should be exchanged for a white stick.

Parliament, the much vaunted guardian of the people against Government, is unfit for purpose. An anachronism.

Has been for years.

Yours faithfully,

Douglas Whittaker