A new scheme has been launched in Newton Aycliffe to help people get established in their first six months of employment by providing them with much-needed transport to get to work. The project has received Area Budget funding from the Great Aycliffe and Middridge Partnership as part of the 2018/19 project Callout.

The Wheels to Work scheme is aimed at ensuring that travelling is not a barrier for those starting in a new job role or training.

Anyone aged 16 years or over, who has a provisional licence, will be able to hire one of 30 mopeds, when needed. Individuals will have the option to loan either a 50cc moped for £25 a week, or a 125cc for £30 a week.

The cost will cover Compulsory Basic Training (CBT), protective clothing, a heavy duty lock, insurance, breakdown cover, servicing and maintenance of the moped. At the end of the loan period individuals may be offered the opportunity to purchase the moped, working with the project lead to ensure this is an affordable option.

Since joining the Wheels to Work scheme there have been 16 applications made in the GAMP area, with several of these currently being processed.

Susan Matthews, Wheels to Work Project officer said:

“If you are in the Great Aycliffe and Middridge area then I would encourage you to get in touch to see if this scheme can be of benefit. The referral process can also look at other possible transport solutions such as car sharing as well as a scooter loan. We are looking forward to offering residents in the GAMP area the chance to take up work or training opportunities where lack of transport has up to now been a barrier.”