Dear Sir,
May I start by asking our possible future MP to print more than just an email contact? As an 88 year old resident, I do not have an email address and have no way of contacting Alan Strickland, the Labour candidate for the next election – I have tried County Hall, Town Council and local Labour councillors, none of them have been able to furnish me with a contact number for Alan.
Mr Strickland’s literature does not mention Aycliffe Town Centre. Thirty five years ago, when I first moved to Newton Aycliffe, we had five banks in our town centre and a cash point outside every one of them, where cash could be withdrawn at any time – we now have none. The Banking Hub is located outside of the town centre and you cannot get a printed bank statement.
All the shop units in the town centre were occupied when I moved to the town, there were public toilets and a weekly market.
Doctors surgeries were open longer hours and even on Saturday mornings – we could go to the surgery, check with the receptionist and see a doctor. Now, we have to ring at a certain time, try and make an appointment, go on a waiting list and, sometimes, when you get to the front of the waiting list, you see a nurse. At other times you are advised to attend A&E and wait for hours. Back in the day, you could contact a doctor or chemist out of hours.
So, Mr Strickland, please be more open to the elderly’s requirements and let’s hear your thoughts on the above.
Name and address supplied.
Whatever Happened to …