What a lovely start to this week at Sugar Hill Primary. To recognise World Mental Health Day on Monday 10th October, all staff and children were asked to dress for school in clothes that make them feel happy. It was lovely to see how everyone came to school dressed so differently to express their own personality. Mrs Legge, Deputy Head Teacher and Mrs Rowntree, Assistant Head Teacher led assemblies in each department to stress to the children how important it is to look after our bodies AND our minds. Classroom staff completed activities with the children across school following the assemblies.
Sugar Hill earned the Emotional Wellbeing Award for Schools in March 2022 and this work continues to be high profile. Mrs Sarah Woodhead, our Safeguarding Governor, wore her favourite dress and spent the start of her day chatting with children from Reception, Year One and Mrs Kay. The children really enjoyed chatting to Sarah and telling her why they had chosen their ‘happy clothes’ and it has to be said . . . they loved her ‘zebra dress!’
What A Great Start