Western Area Community Centre at Silverdale Place is the venue for Newton Aycliffe Junior Neighbourhood Watch, Williamfield Residents’ Association and Newton Aycliffe Shopping Club (restarting 4th March.)
Activities include Newton Aycliffe Dementia Awareness Support Group meeting Tuesdays 10.00am until 1pm with a Coffee Morning followed with a hot lunch. Every Thursday a bus trip is arranged, using the Aycliffe Community Bus.
A Dementia Cafe is to be held on Tuesday 23rd February, 10.00am until 1pm and the last Tuesday of every month. The Alzheimer’s Society will be in attendance.
We now have table tennis and a pool table. Carers are welcome to bring their clients to share our activities.
On a Friday night we have an under 13 years Disco/Activity session from 4pm until 7pm. We would like young people to put their views forward for future activities at the Centre.
There was a Bus trip this week to South Shields with parents and youngsters. All the youngsters took scooters and skate boards. Several of our elderly ladies went with them, they did not take their scooters, but we think it is good for them to link up with young people. During the summer there will be many more family trips.
Western Area CC Trips and Activities