An Aycliffe project aimed at supporting people hit by benefit cuts under the Government’s Welfare Reform agenda was officially launched this week..
The Welfare Champions project has a fully trained team of 6 Champions who have already within a week of launching collectively signposted and supported local people experiencing difficulties or confusion due to changes to the Welfare system.
Your local Welfare Champions are Dorothy Bowman, Philip Clark, Peter Burgess, Billy Walker, David Sutton-Lloyd and Jen Bewley. You can see a Champion at Agnew Community every Thursday from 10am-1pm, Woodham Community Centre every Wednesday from 11am-1pm and there are many other sessions to be confirmed including Western Area Community Centre Silverdale Place and St Clare’s Church.
As well as providing initial support the Champions have signposted individuals to other services such as advices agencies, livin, housing solutions and welfare rights teams as well as interpreting complex ‘official’ letters.
The project is run by Charity East Durham Trust and funded by the Greater Aycliffe and Middridge Area Action Partnership (GAMP) and local housing provider livin. Chief Executive of East Durham Trust Malcolm Fallow said “‘I’m delighted to hear that the Champions are getting off to a great start, the community spirit shown by the Champions is already having a really positive impact on their neighbourhoods’’
To receive support from a Champion contact East Durham Trust on 0191 569 3511.
Welfare Project Launched in Aycliffe