Up in the heavens jewel colours appeared, A wonderful spectacle that surprised and cheered.
From the top of our country right down to its tip. The Northern Lights thrilled and our skies beautifully lit.
Those who stayed up got their cameras out,
“Look at the colours!”
Folk were heard to shout.
Aurora Borealis is it’s proper name and if you missed it at the weekend, Well, that’s such a shame!
Purple, pink and green strobed across the skies, To the delight of many who could hardly believe their eyes.
And the next day summer seemed to arrive, Gracing us with sunshine, such a welcome surprise.
Paddling pools were filled and barbecues lit, As families gathered in the sun’s warmth to sit.
Children played on newly mown grass,
Such a welcome way the weekend to pass.
After a long winter with so much rain, We could all enjoy the outdoors once again.
MMK, May 2024
Welcome Weekend