Can I begin this week with a lot of thank you’s? First to Aycliffe Radio for allowing me to attend this week’s Pride Fest, yes I will be there raising awareness, selling some bits and pieces and also answering any questions you may have about how to help these beautiful mammals. Also Stephanie for raising funds for the rescue with her plants; also donations from Jo Harper, Ruth Smith and Laura Large and thanks to Rob and family for their donation.
The list goes on, in the background is Valerie and June, thank you all so much.
I am contacting finders to return hedgehogs to their gardens wherever possible, but, I have some that need to remain for a little while longer, poor Holly needs more tender loving care but has turned a corner, Tiny has a cough so he is on antibiotics, making progress nevertheless, and poor Muffin who also isn’t well, she was found by myself, Trev and the boys in the gutter of the A167 northbound by the Gretna, thankfully alive, which was a miracle, she was brought home and admitted immediately. Penny, our lovely lady hedgehog, is still doing well since her amputation, nearly 900 grams, thanks to Grange Vets, yet again.
Finally, I would like to introduce you all to our smallest admissions, please meet Amelia and Angela, I inherited them from Pawz for Thought last Monday afternoon, both babies doing well and are starting to open their eyes, the nursing care continues and their weight gain is steady which is good but they both needed to be put on antibiotics for an infection they may have got from mum. At only just over an ounce they are nice and cosy in the incubator which was bought last year from your kind donations.
Thank you all for your support, I am happy our prickly babies are doing well, I try to provide the best food and clean environment for these poor souls, not forgetting the medical care they receive too.
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society telephone number is 01584 890801.
My email is
Weekly Hog Blog