Firstly, can I express my thanks to June, Valerie, Lori and Hilary who all support me with this rescue, it’s a very difficult time across the county because we are finding it difficult to keep some hedgehogs alive. The more time I have with these poorly hedgehogs the better the outcome. Some hedgehogs are coming in and not lasting very long at all, maybe just a couple of hours. We need about 2-3 days for treatment to start to heal them and they need two different types of antibiotics to combat parasites, the job gets harder and more distressing for us rehabbers.
Thank you to Dawn who brought little Poppet to me last Wednesday evening (pictured) she has hurt her paw but she has also been the victim of a parasite burden, she is one who needs two different types of antibiotics at the same time, she is also very little. Also a male hedgehog has been brought to me today, I was concerned about the ticks on his underbelly to begin with but later, after admission, saw an injury on his back, glad he is here, so is he so thank you Sam and Glen.
I would like to announce a small fundraising event on Wednesday 1st June at Morrison Close Community Centre, there will be some lovely things on offer and it’s the school holidays too, please come and bag a bargain and help these prickly pals, I will answer questions and provide information leaflets, I will be there from 1-3.30pm. Have a great time at the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations and stay safe.
Weekly Hog Blog