Apologies for the absence last week, it has been busy recently with some very small, poorly babies coming in needing critical care, Angel and Bonnie from Lorraine and Gaynor, Annie from June and Ian, they need more time here to gain weight because they are still too small to release as are most of the others. Harmony came in at 73 grams, she can go home soon, thanks to Pat and Lesley for bringing her in some weeks ago, she is almost 500 grams now and what a lady she is!
Also, my thanks go to Sue and Peter of School Aycliffe, there was no room here so Sue has been hand rearing the smallest little hog so far. Being a retired Vet and Vet Nurse this baby couldn’t be in better hands. We often share ideas and, little ones need certain things that I already have fortunately, she is a mere 21 grams, less than an ounce.
Thank you to all who have donated towels, etc; Roz for some wonderful stuff, I will put them on my Facebook page because they are too nice for a car boot sale, for example Mickey Mouse and a Mamas & Papas Rocking Horse. Please take a look.
Can I also mention that we are still seeing little hedgehogs out in the day, please make sure your children don’t touch or hurt them. They have so many enemies in the wild already, if they are rescued and brought here they will hopefully to be released somewhere safer. It’s more important to give them their freedom out of harms way, entrapment and captivity, cruelty etc, they are endangered, protected and anyone who is found to be causing them unnecessary suffering can be prosecuted under the wildlife act schedule 6, as per government legislation. Maxine
Weekly Hog Blog