Dear Syd,
In last week’s Newton News John D. Clare entered the debate by giving his interpretation of his doorstep findings on the success or otherwise of each of the main arguments being made by both camps. However, the latest polls appear to indicate a strong surge in support for the LEAVE arguments. This fact alone contradicts J.D. Clare’s interpretation of the mood on the doorstep!
(1) The Economy: The voters have seen through the Remain economic disaster arguments. Voters acknowledge the fact that it would be political and economic suicide for the main players in the EU, Germany and France, to refuse to engage in free trade with Brexit Britain.
The voters are also aware that our trade with the EU has been, and is, declining and that we now need to be free to negotiate our own trade deals with the rest of the world.
(2) Rights at Work: As has been explained by the Leave campaign Labour members, most of our rights were enshrined in British Law before we joined the EU. This Remain argument is spurious scaremongering by Labour Remain against the Remain Conservatives.
Voters understand that they will eventually get the policies they want through the ballot box. Our Parliamentary system is democratic, the majority of our democratically elected MEP’s are for LEAVE because they experience on a day-to-day the undemocratic EU in action.
(3) Funding: Mr Clare, please tell the voters where the EU gets its money from, if not from EU taxpayers? The EU has no money other than the contributions from the member states. FACT. Clearly, from your statement about EU funding of £17m to a DCC unemployment project, you are happy with the fact that we subscribed £34m to make this possible. It is our voters who should be saying where our taxes are spent not the undemocratic EU. Please treat the readers of the Newton News with some respect.
(4) Cooperation: It is to the benefit of both Britain and the EU to co-operate in the fields of research and security. Because of this mutual benefit such co-operation will continue and should increase post -Brexit.
(5) Endorsements: In a discussion about the Democratic future of our proper governance I do not see the where school playground arguments along the lines of, “I’ve got more friends than you” will get us. The vote on Independence Day will settle that argument. Breaking News: Two un-elected Bishops are friends of the Remain Camp! Its, a pity that the Third World Nations don’t have a vote; they might query the moral compass of Bishops who want to remain in a closed economic club which imposes tariffs on the poorest nations and spends the bulk of its affluent member’s subscriptions on subsidising its food producers.
(6) Immigration: This argument has been won by LEAVE and is not irrelevant as JD Clare claims. The EU refused to negotiate a deal with David Cameron that would allow Britain to control immigration. Rather than being irrelevant, this matter is the most important. We elected a government which PROMISED to cut nett migration to the tens of thousands. The EU will not allow this as long as we remain a member. FACT. Unbridled free movement of people from the EU adversely affects our economy, public services, wages, housing, our culture and our safety.
(7) Sovereignty: I agree with J.D Clare that it is, ‘Big Business’ which lobbies for increased EU regulation. However, this is not done for the benefit of the British voter, it is done to stop small businesses from being able to compete in their world markets. Most of us are employed by small businesses that do not sell to the EU, however, their productivity and costs are affected by having to meet EU regulations which they do not need to meet in the real world.
It is not racist, xenophobic or bigoted nationalism to learn from history.
The fact that in recent history Germany has re-unified twice and soon after re-unification started a world war, is of importance. This is especially the case as the British and EU establishment have allowed Germany to re-unify yet again! In my view, a re-united Germany is too big and powerful not to dominate the EU and the Euro . Remaining a part of the EU which is ‘pocking the Russian bear with a stick’ over the EU’s expansion to the east policy (Ukraine) is not a good idea!
Again we should learn from history. At the end of WWII, out of every 100 Russian prisoners taken by Germany only 6 were alive! I don’t like Putin any more than you do. However, if you look the EU expansion from a Russian perspective, they have a right to fear EU economic expansion into their ‘sphere of influence’.
We should also learn from the recent EU actions.
The Germany, not the Euro Zone, negotiated the Greek bail-out. Germany unilaterally invited 1 million migrants to Europe. Germany (ostensibly on behalf of the EU) negotiated the immigration deal with Turkey!
Just a thought – if the USA and Russia can co-operate in space exploration why cannot a post –Brexit Britain help to secure a peaceful European future with a free-trade agreement with Russia? This can only be achieved if we take back control of our democratic rights and borders and LEAVE the EU.
Alastair P.G. Welsh