Sedgefield Water Polo Club would like to congratulate two of its young members who have been accepted to train with the Midlands U14 England Talent Centre.
Thomas, 13, started with the club at just 8 years old and has recently represented the U16 North East boys team at the Inter Regional tournament in Blackpool, where the team won gold. He is very much looking forward to starting at the Talent Centre, following on from an unsuccessful trial earlier in the year, which gave him the strength and determination to train harder and put coaches feedback into action to secure a place following his recent, subsequent trial.
Indie, 11, has been with the club for just over 15 months and also trains with the North East girls academy, where she is aiming to represent the region in the future. Indie is one of 4 girls from the club who trains with the region, and is our youngest member to be offered a place at the Talent Centre where she will train with other girls from across the Midlands.
Both Thomas and Indie will now make regular trips to Hucknall, Nottingham for their training camps, where they will begin the first step of their England Water Polo journey, aiming to follow in the footsteps of many of their peers from Sedgefield who are members of GB squads and who have represented their country in the past.
In addition to Junior and Senior sessions, Sedgefield Water Polo Club now offers a beginner session at Newton Aycliffe Leisure Centre on a Saturday afternoon for those wishing to try this fun and exciting sport. All sessions need to be booked in advance, so please check our website for further information and joining instructions. Contact 07579 030598
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