Dear friends, neighbours and residents,
I hope you all had a lovely summer!
Firstly, can I apologise for no Liberal Democrats Focus Newsletter in August. It was a democratic group decision. I had one ready to put out in July but the team decided that they preferred to use the Newton News, as printing and delivery is more time and cost effective.
Therefore, I would like to update you on events on our ward of St Mary’s & Shafto and on general council events in the last two months.
Firstly, can I say how wonderful it was to see families in the park at the Mayor at Home ‘Party in the Park’ event in August.
It was so nice to see children being able to play again in the sunshine with their friends. I also, very much enjoyed my visits to ‘Five Acres’ at ROF59 and ‘The Veterans’ Community Hub’ at the IES Centre, where the café and craft shop are great!
I am also delighted to see St. Mary’s & Shafto looking so clean and tidy of litter and also grateful to those volunteers Bob Fleming highlighted planting new trees on Ross Walk (where Wendy and Jed Hilary helped them plant and Bob went out to thank them).
I hope that many of you were able to attend, online, the Police and Communities PACT Meeting on Wednesday 20th October at 6pm. I found it difficult to connect, so do let me know how you got on, as you are the eyes and ears of our communities, to support the police via Crimestoppers, 101 and Action Fraud.
I asked Sgt. Andy Boyd about PACT meetings in July and he said that the online ones are better attended than face to face at Community Centres and that they are advertised in the Newton News.
Please do attend them, especially if any are ‘whole-town’ and not Ward specific. You must have an opportunity to put forward your views, concerns and opinions to the police. I want to praise, support and congratulate them on their good work. PCSO Steven Kipling has kindly offered to train me on ‘speed-watch’ devices too.
I have asked Durham County Council (via Nev Jones) for extra bins on: Rufus Green, Vane Road and the Hylton Close end of Washington Cresent, behind Whitehead Walk.
I have also asked GATC for a bin outside St. Oswald’s Park, now that we are into the winter opening hours are in operation.
Recently, I had to report business signs being tied to Durham Council lamp posts and also a large branch that had been broken off a tree at McColls shop via Durham ‘do-it-online’ website.
Sadly, I have also had to attend two funerals of Councillors in the last two weeks. My heartfelt thanks go to them for their service to the town.
The very sad news about the murder of an MP makes it even more important that we show kindness, respect and compassion to everyone. Councillors of all parties follow the ‘Nolan Principles’ to ensure bullying, harassment and abuse are not tolerated.
I have noticed that the traffic from Woodham Academy has now moved close to McColls shop, where there are at least parking bays. Thank you to parents for parking sensibly and not blocking the road and driving slowly and carefully. This is keeping everyone safer. Special thanks to those who park at St. Oswald’s car park and Tesco/Youth Club and ask their children to walk.
Hopefully, Woodham Academy will, in the future, be able to build its own visitor car park, similar to the large one at Vane Road Primary, to ease congestion and pedestrian safety.
I hope that you enjoyed the half-term holiday. Please be kind to pets on Halloween and enjoy the council fireworks display!
Best wishes
Councillor Tony Armstrong
Ward Update