On Monday 11th November, Armistice Day, around 100 people gathered in the Town Centre at 11.00am to remember and honour the fallen with a short service and two-minute silence, led by Revd. James Walsh and The Mayor of Great Aycliffe, Councillor John Clark. Also in attendance was Rotary Newton Aycliffe President, Revd. Ruth Dawson, Town Clerk, Dan Austin and Rotarian, Pat Pickersgill.
The Civic party then moved across to St. Clare’s Church and the War Memorial where an official handover from Rotary Newton Aycliffe to the Town Council was held. The Memorial, erected in 2008, was the result of a massive fund-raising effort directed by the late Syd Howarth and the Rotary Club, and it was thought appropriate that Rotary should hand this hugely important community asset into the care of the Town Council.
President Ruth read a statement to the assembled group giving the history of the Memorial. The Mayor, Councillor John Clark, commented, “The Town Council is honoured to take on the ownership and care of the War Memorial on behalf of the town and will work to ensure the memorial is managed and maintained for the community for many years to come.”
Particular mention and grateful thanks were given to Pat Pickersgill, Dan Austin and the staff of the Town Council, as well as Newton Press, for their valued assistance with research into background information.
War Memorial Handover