Dear Sir,

Whilst we are having people litter picking as a team, it is good to note that volunteers are now working a particular area of the Town that these volunteers choose.

I have received a report of a team of volunteers working the Woodham area down from Wolsey Close past the rear of Woodham Academy and down to the Burn along the Great Aycliffe Way walk.

This was an area highlighted by local residents as an area of concern. One member of the group was a Eastern European man who works very hard; another group covered Greenfield Way area.

The main group, which consists of 10 people, meet in areas decided by Cllr. Ian Gray, soon to be called candidate, as shortly we will have no Councillors, only prospective candidates.

If any person wishes to be involved then make sure that Cllr. Ian Gray has your details, he can be contacted via email at: – although we have plenty at the moment, other local residents are welcome to come along, we usually meet at 10am on a Wednesday morning, but the work is not easy or clean.

Since I decided to do something about the litter, whilst out walking, it has been good to find that there are some good people around who are concerned about the Town and the amount of fly tipping, as shown by the photos in a recent edition of Newton News.

We now need the help of local people to report the fly tippers and litterers, as it is not the school children alone because of what we have found; children would not fly tip such quantities of rubbish.

We feel that DCC, who have the power, should take action, and everyone should get involved and bring these people to book.

Residents also have a duty to report fly tipping and litter dropping, as well as educating children and adults to take litter home and not spoil our town.

The group also give thanks to Ian Gray in helping with this project, also the officers at Great Aycliffe Town Council for their support and help.

Thank you

Vince Crosby