On behalf of the ACORN Residents Group incorporating Woodham Burn Neighbourhood Watch and little ACORNS I would like to congratulate members, Keith and Rebekah Lovejoy on achieving a NOCN level 2 award in Governance in the Voluntary and Community Sector. Horndale Residents Chairman Phil Clarke also attended the training alongside Ken Robson and both Chairmen achieved the award. Skillshare NE have been incredible partners in educating our members from the groups humble beginnings and I would like to add a special thanks to them for providing the bulk of our training.
It is always gratifying when members of the group give up their valuable spare time to engage in education which adds to the combined skills of our very special community group. From First Aid to Food Hygiene and management skills Acorn members have engaged in various forms of training and education over our previous 4 years and hope to continue to benefit from courses in the future. Knowledge gained from these short courses enables us to grow in the community and adds credibility to our fundraising efforts.
As a responsible group ACORN are engaged in continuous improvement and work in partnership with other likeminded groups and organisations across the North to improve our area despite government cuts. ACORN has been supported by the Big Lottery fund, livin and Durham County Council with grants over previous years. This funding has been used to enhance the area we live in and improve people’s lives.
As Chair of the group I am particularly proud of all of the members efforts in helping provide successful activities and events.
Ken Robson Chair
ACORN Residents Association
01325 321471
Volunteer Governance Award