The Mayoress and I were delighted to be invited, in our final week, to St Joseph’s Primary School by the Head, Kirsty, to talk to the children about being a mayor and the meaning around the regalia. It is always a pleasure to talk to such enquiring minds on any subject, but it was obvious that the children had done some research beforehand as some of the questions were quite astute.
Fortunately, I too had done my homework and supplied a picture of our town’s crest which I was able to explain in a little detail, of course most people, and especially the children, are impressed by the bling concept of the medallion and chain which of course raises questions about it’s weight, value and what it does.
Then we get down to the important questions which came swiftly along, ie:
Are you rich? No
Do you live in a castle? No
Where do you live? Not far away
How do I become Mayor? This is the part which I love, explaining the use of democracy. Thank goodness many of our schools have their own councils and the children understand the principles of democracy through this. I have requested that the town council look at providing a leaflet for our schools detailing some of our history which may help our younger generations become stewards of our future.
The whole visit was a delight and we wish Kirsty, her staff and the children, all the very best for their future endeavours.
Ken & Elaine Robson, former Mayor and Mayoress Great Aycliffe Town Council.
Visit to St Joseph’s Primary School