Calling all residents of Aycliffe Village.
A newly formed residents association shall meet in the village hall once a month. It is hoped the group will facilitate in uniting all residents with the aim of maintaining and improving; community spirit, the environment and facilities.
It’s early days therefore the intention at the next meeting is to agree a ‘vision’ for the organisation and compile a list of your concerns, suggestions or even wishes. As an association it’s a possibility we could gain access to grants from GATC, DCC, My Community Funding etc. To that end all, and any ideas will be considered. So whether you are concerned about traffic, have a bee in your bonnet regarding litter or even wish we had more to keep the young people occupied. Anything! Why not come along to our next meeting? We are a friendly, apolitical bunch and would love to see you there.
Next meeting Friday 2nd November at 6.30pm in the Village Hall.
Paul Burns (Chair)