Newton Aycliffe FC may have had their best run in their 50 year history in the Emirates FA Cup this year however the same cannot be said for vandalism to their ground at Newton Aycliffe Sports Club at Moore Lane.
On at least three occasions since the start of the season in August fires have been started in the seated enclosure resulting in the plastic seats melting.
Football Club Secretary Stephen Cunliffe said “the club are aware that children have been climbing the fencing to gain access to the ground. They have been chased on a number of occasions, however, it is soul-destroying when volunteers turn out to prepare the ground for matches only to find more burnt out seats”. As recent as Saturday evening immediately after our FA Cup game with North Ferriby United our club Treasurer turned two young lads away who were walking in the direction of the ground.
The Club have contacted Durham Police who will now be using the ground to train their dogs. Any young person found trespassing may find themselves being chased by the dogs.
Only earlier this year the club suffered two break-ins which resulted in the club having to pay for new locks and door. Anyone found causing damage or trespassing will be prosecuted.
Vandals Set Fire to Aycliffe FC Enclosure