UTC South Durham and Aycliffe Fabrications in Newton Aycliffe have collaborated to commemorate the Centenary of the First World War with a giant poppy dedication as a permanent reminder of the sacrifices made in all conflicts.
Students in year 10 have designed and made individual poppies in the engineering hall at UTC to be displayed alongside the larger installation created by Aycliffe Fabrications.
Jessie Clark, Engineering Teacher at UTC, who has led this project alongside Aylciffe Fabrications said, “Marking the sacrifices made in the First World War and other conflicts is something that is very close to so many of us. We all remember in our own way but the poppy is iconic. To watch our young people make their own poppies with their own messages has been amazing. It’s something that will last many years to come so that we can remember all of the people that lost their lives. I’m very proud to have been part of it.”
As well as making their own poppies, students in Year 10 were also involved in an education day that involved designing an evacuation pack and sessions based upon British values.
UTC South Durham are always looking for opportunities to engage with businesses to ensure that students are ready for the world of work and to make industry links in the region and beyond.
Applications for year 10 and year 12 studies for a specialist engineering and technical education at UTC are currently open, and booking for the next open evening is available on the UTC South Durham website: www.utcsouthdurham.org. For additional information call 01325 430 250.
UTC South Durham Remembers