Newton Aycliffe is still moving ahead in the redevelopment of the Town Centre including the recent introduction of new signage around the entrances to the centre providing a vibrant colourful aspect to all of the centre entrances.
The demolition of Churchill House has started successfully and is already changing the look of the centre with all of the shops facing onto Beveridge Way now gone and we are working on the soft strip of Churchill House to allow us to progress starting the demolition.
We have successfully completed the redevelopment of the former HSBC bank with an agreement currently in discussion with Greggs to relocate their highly successful unit to these new premises and are in process of bringing back into use four newly refurbished flats in the same block available for rent soon via Northgate Estate Agents.
Moving forward we have further development in the former Woolworths building and also 10 – 14 Beveridge Way with further work for a new retailer at 31 Beveridge Way.
Despite Poundstretcher, who will be missed in the centre, not renewing their lease we are still pressing ahead with our proposed development works this year which are creating new interest from other retailers.
Bryan Haldane,
Town Centre Manager
Update from Town Centre Manager