Dear Sir,
It’s supposed to be the season of goodwill, why then do some cantankerous people go out of their way to cause trouble, what sad lives they must live.
I reside alone in School Aycliffe which I understand is not designated as a smokeless zone (although Newton Aycliffe is).
When the recent cold spell hit in late November I switched on the central heating only to discover that the gas boiler didn’t work, being desperate for warmth I contacted several engineers who all advised that my boiler was so old that it couldn’t be repaired & a new complete system was necessary at a cost of several thousand pounds, to make matters worse no works could be undertaken until next year.
The only source of alternative heating I have is a small multifuel stove in the lounge where I currently spend most of my time trying to keep warm.
A couple of days ago I received an official letter from Durham County Council informing me that under the ‘Environment Protection Act 1990’ they were investigating an alleged ‘Smoke/Odour – Domestic Chimney Nuisance’ and that officers may be monitoring the property to substantiate a complaint from a neighbour, what is of particular concern is that I only use smokeless fuel and, apart from a couple of minutes when the fire is first lit, there is no smoke emitted from the chimney.
Why didn’t these faceless jobsworths simply knock on my door & discuss a potential problem rather than take the word of a vindictive moron whose sole purpose in life is to take satisfaction out of anonymously reporting others for perceived offences.
My philosophy is simply ‘why do a bad turn when you can do a good turn’ – whatever happened to love thy neighbour?
Name and address supplied.
Unreasonable Neighbour