Dear Sir,
Once again I am criticized by a Labour Party member for doing my council work for the West Ward! I would ask Arun Chandran to read the column next to his letter, where Pact meetings at all the wards in Newton Aycliffe are advertised but nothing mentioned about the West Ward.
Every Pact meeting has a PC and a PCSO attending so that residents can put forward their complaints and find out what is happening in their wards.
PCSO Gavin Laycock does an excellent job, but he still needs the support of a PC at the meetings. There are times when a PCSO cannot give a reply whereas a PC can, so it is important the West Ward Pact meetings have a PC in attendance.
It sounds as if Mr Chandran thinks pact meetings are a waste of time, and not important enough! I believe Pact meetings are there to support residents, and for them to raise their concerns.
God willing I will be standing as an Independent candidate at the next election on 2nd May 2013 and if elected will continue to do what I have been doing for the last 22 years in serving the people of the West Ward.
I do not have to write letters in the Newton News as the residents in the West Ward know I am always there to support them.
For information I have spoken to Mr. Thompson and a PC about a Police Station in Newton Aycliffe.
Alderman George Gray,
Independent Councillor
West Ward.