It’s impossible for any right minded person not to be affected by the stories and images coming out of Ukraine. It has compelled me over the last nine months to paint my own symbolic, personal tribute to President Vlodomyr Zelenskyy, his Armed Forces and all the people of Ukraine, for their defiance, courage and determination in the front line of Putin’s war of attrition.
Because of the enormity of the subject, I have created a collage of images, each image and missing images (for example no people) needs to paint a thousand words. My only hope is I have done them some justice.
The interpretation of patriotism of our nation’s history portrayed in patriotic art, this includes depicting our nation’s struggles, the freedom achieved and our fight to protect our national patriotic identity, to further motivate and inspire with hope and encourage future generations to develop patriotic feelings in themselves, inspiring British people to work and fight for the nation’s defence, and continuing growth.
John Palliser