Darlington S Durham u3a, active in Darlington, Cockerton and surrounding villages, meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Bowen Road Community Centre DL3 0TH. Anyone who is not in paid employment is welcome to come and join us. We start off with a cuppa and a chat and then usually have a speaker. The January meeting will be on 9th at 10.15 and our speaker is Chris Lloyd who will be talking about Hidden Darlington. We also run small groups which cover activities like walking (three levels), canasta, Rummikub, local history, book reading, current affairs, craft and chat. Come and give us a go, you will be surprised how many activities we have for you to try. Perhaps 2024 will be the year when you learn a new skill or met new friends
Need more information? Please ring Brenda on 01325 496 039.
U3A Meetings