Dementia Champions Dorothy Bowman and Joan Clarke gave an Awareness Presentation to Neville Parade Methodist Church Ladies Club. The presentation was well received with many thanks for the interesting talk. Several members of the group became Dementia Friends.
Dorothy and Joan would welcome an invitation to give a presentation to any group in Newton Aycliffe and the surrounding areas. They both are very passionate about dementia awareness and feel that more people would benefit from listening to their talk.
Dorothy has a Dementia Awareness Group – ‘New Pathways Together’ which meets every Tuesday and Thursday at the Western Area Community Centre Silverdale Place from 10.00am until 1pm. The number 5 & 5a from the town stops two minutes away at Lindisfarne Nursing Home. Bus trips, outings, talks, help and advice are arranged. New members are welcome the cost is £2.00 per session.
Tea, Coffee served free but for a small cost a cooked lunch can be provided.
On the 1st Tuesday of the month a Dementia Café is held arranged and led by members of the Alzheimer’s Charity. Please come and join us.
For further details ring 01325 308094 or 07967 901477.