We need your help to make our good organisation GREAT!
Friends of St. Clare’s is independent of the church and plans to do many good things in the future. Whatever ability your skills or experience give you, please consider offering your help to us. We need at least two trustees as part of our plans to become a registered charity.
Don’t worry if you are not exactly sure of what a trustee is required to do, all will be revealed. The best description for now is to think of a trustee as a committee member.
We also need other skills. Are you good with social media? Do you think you could tackle the job of Secretary?
There are many ways you may be able to help if you would like to volunteer. The amount of time you give will be up to you. It is certainly very part time and offers no wages. To let us know what you have to offer please visit: www.friendsofstclares.uk and send me a message on our Contact Us page.
There is no need to be a member of the church, in fact our organisation welcomes non-church-members. There is also no obligation to join our organisation as a member. We will just be so happy that you have offered your services.
Noel F. Bennett
Founder: Friends of St. Clare’s
Trustees Wanted