Sunday March 22nd brought great success for Vane Road’s basketball team during a thrilling competition at Newton Aycliffe Leisure Centre. The team fought their way through two group games, a quarter final and a semi final before emerging victorious from the final, by scoring the winning points during golden basket time. They now have the honour of representing their school and area in the County Finals in July.
The School’s netball and athletics teams also both performed admirably on Friday 20th March in their respective county finals where they were representing Sedgefield School Sports Partnerships. The netball team was placed at a respectable 4th whilst the athletics team finished in second place, only two points behind Durham’s winning team. The school has also been awarded the ‘Sainsbury’s School Games Silver Award ‘for whole school participation and commitment to PE and games.
Thanking Mr Cant (Head of PE), children, staff, governors and parents for their continuing support Head Teacher Mr. Pavey proudly announced, “What an incredible accolade for our school. Congratulations to everyone!”
Triple Triumph for Vane Road