Dear Sir,
After over 45 years of having copy published in Newton News supporting my sport & community work, please accept this my first personal letter.
I was saddened to discover Joan Clark had relinquished her role as an Officer at the Youth & Community Centre. I have only known Joan for 18 months but found her to be an outstanding voluntary worker and saw at first hand the work she put in and more importantly the changes into making the Centre thriving and professionally run.
As ex-Secretary of said Centre and now Secretary of Agnew, I can only say her work ethic, ability, honesty and loyalty to the Youth & Community Centre along with Vince Crosby, has profoundly impressed me to say the least.
An organisation does not survive with any one person being on board, but some are more capable than others and Joan is one of those people. Her work in finding funding, marketing, people skills and helping people into work is just some of her skills. Joan is also Secretary of the new GACAP organisation and a board member of GAMP. She works with the M.A.D. group for young people and visits Care Homes to bring the church to those unable to attend.
I know that Joan would take work home and go into the Centre at weekends to work and we can ill afford to lose her from our town’s voluntary sector.
I wish both Joan and the Centre all the best for the future and we will really miss Joan in that role, but will keep in touch with her via GAMP and GACAP.
Ron Mitchie,
Morrison Close
Tribute to Volunteer