On the 6th October, Kevin Greenall Aycliffe Tri Club’s super veteran travelled up to Scotland to enter the Hardrock challenge. This race is a Duathlon over the marathon distance of 26 miles contained within Dalbeattie Forest. The event consists of a 10 mile run on woodland track, followed by a 16 mile bike run over the 7 Stanes red route, which is rough and steep single mountain bike track. Kevin came 30th individual male and was 4th in his class, an excellent result over a tough course.
Then on the 13th October Melanie Rowland took the wet and muddy challenge of the Newcastle Stampede. The event saw Newcastle Race Course turned into 10k Army style assault course. Mel fought her way through mud and freezing water with grit and determination. Mel thoroughly enjoyed the race and finished still smiling although all be it covered from head to toe in mud!
If you are interested in Triathlon and would like further details about Aycliffe Tri Club please contact the club on the website www.aycliffetriclub.onsport.com by email aycliffetriclub@gmail.com or you can call Club Coach Andrew Sedgwick on 07887 817960